Terms and Conditions

The Protocol School of Washington is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (www.ACCET.org). ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. As an accredited institution we continue to review, monitor, and revise our curriculum, instructional delivery, and facilitators in order to ensure the highest quality education and training.

Tuition includes access to the training materials and a certificate of completion.


By completing your registration, you acknowledge that the program is for your exclusive use only. Using or sharing of login details to the system that provides access to the program materials is prohibited and is cause for immediate termination of access without notice to you.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user name and password and for all activities that occur under your user name and password. You agree to immediately notify our office if you become aware of or have reason to believe that there is any unauthorized use of your account or any breach of security. You also agree to take all reasonable steps to stop such unauthorized use and to cooperate with PSOW in any investigation of such unauthorized uses or of infringements of PSOW’s intellectual property rights in the training.

PSOW grants to its registered users a non-transferable, non-exclusive and revocable permission to the trainee to use the training for the disclosed term. Training is solely for trainee’s personal, non-commercial use; you may not use the training in any way in exchange for monetary consideration. Individuals other than the trainee may not access or view materials provided to trainee, whether electronically or in print. The trainee is permitted online access to the training and may download, save, or print one hard copy of discreet sections for your sole reference.

All program materials provided to trainee are owned by School and protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws.

U.S. and international copyright laws prohibit the copying, distribution, use or display of a copyrighted work without the prior permission of the copyright owner. These restrictions apply to software as well as written material and extend to the making of derivative works or compilations of any copyrighted material.

Specific prohibitions include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Trainee is prohibited from copying, video graphing, photographing, taping, or taking screen-shots of any PSOW materials or course delivery.
  2. Trainee or organization representative shall not use the program materials in or as the basis of a film, video, television, internet or radio program, audio cassette, podcast, CD-ROM, DVD, e-learning lesson, article, social media post, story, card, pamphlet, book, or any written published or unpublished work.
  3. Trainee shall not sell, loan, lease, store in an information and/or retrieval system, transmit, adapt, or translate to another language any Program Materials and shall not permit or sublicense others to do so.
  4. Trainees are prohibited from inputting, uploading, or entering training materials into any form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms or systems that could use the materials to create derivative works or facilitate the creation of content by AI algorithms.
  5. Trainee may not use the Program Materials to train others. Trainee shall not permit others to present, use, or teach a program using all of part of the Program Materials.
  6. Trainee shall not upload any part of the Program Materials to an artificial intelligence engine such as ChatGPT or any similar platform for public access or use.
  7. Trainee's of IDL Training Modules acknowledge that training is for the exclusive use of the Trainee only. Using or sharing of their User Name and Password by any other user is prohibited and is cause for immediate termination of access without notice to Trainee.

Violations can result in civil and criminal penalties.


All full certificate program registrants will be required to sign a copy of the Training Agreement upon acceptance into the course. The Training Agreement becomes a legal and binding contract once completed and signed by you and the School.

Any credit earned for coursework is transferrable as outlined in the relevant sample training agreement and not limited to location of training.

Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer
In-Person (Virginia)
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/TA_IE_Sample

Live, Online
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/Sample_TA_IEPT_IDL

International Protocol Manager Training
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/TA_IPMT_Sample

Live, Online
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/Sample_TA_IPMT_IDL

Protocol Officer Training
In-Person (Virginia)
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/TA_PO_Sample

Live, Online (12 week and 6 week programs)
Sample Training Agreement: https://www2.psow.edu/Sample_TA_POTC_IDL

Protocol and Etiquette Single Subject Courses
Live, Online
Terms: https://www2.psow.edu/Terms_SingleSubjectCourse

Sample Training Agreement - Speakers Training Camp: https://www2.psow.edu/TA_STC_Sample



Students share the responsibility of developing and maintaining an academic and professionally conducive environment with the management and staff of this institution. It is expected that each student will respect and uphold the rights of all who are involved in the educational and administrative processes of this institution by adhering to the following practices and principles.

Student responsibilities include consistent attendance (no less than 90% of the course), conscientious effort within the classroom to promote an open exchange of information, and compliance with standard academic practices. Furthermore, students are advised of thier right to pursue their education in a setting free of harassment or discrimination, and are expected to apply the same values to the staff and their peers.

Student Responsibilities:

  • To exhibit good conduct in the classroom and community
  • To complete the course of study in a timely and acceptable manner
  • To demonstrate good attendance
  • To follow the rules and regulations of the institution
  • To respect the facilities and equipment or software platforms
  • To remain respectful in the expression of opinions and ideas
  • To maintain the safety and security of staff and other students at all times

The training manager will track classroom attendance at the end of each session with continual monitoring of any departures during the session. Any time missed by the attendee will be deducted from the total attendance and count toward the allowable percentage of class time that can be missed. Class time missed will be totaled at the completion of the course to determine if 90% of the course was fulfilled by the student. In the case of an emergency, if a student falls below the 90% attendance requirements, students may return to the next scheduled training to finish the segment of training missed or the decision to award a certificate of completion may be decided at the discretion of the President and/or training manager.

The institution will not tolerate the unauthorized copying, distribution, use or display of a copyrighted work without the prior permission of the copyright owner. These restrictions apply to software as well as written or printed material and extend to the making of derivative works or compilations of any copyrighted material. This policy defines software as any electronic copyrighted material, including but not limited to software applications, video, audio, or other data files. Students and employees must adhere to the contractual obligations of this institution and are expected to comply with all copyright laws. Anyone found in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline and held responsible in civil or criminal liability.

Students have the right to access their files, including educational records and personal information, upon request in accordance with privacy regulations and institutional policies. Such requests will be honored within 45 days.


A "Graduate" is defined as an individual who has successfully completed one of the following programs: Protocol Officer Training, Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol Trainer, International Protocol Manager Training, or Advanced International Protocol Course. Graduates are eligible for discounts and alumni benefits as outlined by the respective programs.


All students may meet with their instructors during and after class to ask questions, receive tutoring, and/or obtain additional information about the course offerings.


Only written material prepared and provided by the School may be distributed or made available at this training or other function.


A roster will be made available to class participants and training facilitators. This roster may include student name, company, contact information and email address as provided on the registration form. If you DO NOT want certain information made available to your fellow students, please provide advance notification to the School.


Photographs or videos may be obtained throughout the training and may be used by the School for website, digital platforms, and collateral material. Names or personal information will not be released with any publication of these graphics without your consent.


A student may lodge a complaint either verbally or in writing to the training manager, or President. If an oral complaint is not resolved within a reasonable time period, a complaint may be submitted in writing. Within ten days of receiving the complaint, the School will acknowledge the student's complaint and follow-up with a verbal discussion on what actions have been taken to resolve the issue. If the student feels the complaint is still not resolved, they may contact the governing organization for the area in which the course is delivered to escalate the complaint. Students will not be subject to unfair actions as a result of initiating a complaint proceeding.

In-Person; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Complaints should be submitted to the Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET) in writing through their Contact Us form located on their website.

ACTVET - www.actvet.gov.ae/en/AboutUs/Pages/ContactUs.aspx

In-Person; Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Complaints should be submitted to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in writing through their e-feedback form located on their website.

KHDA - www.khda.gov.ae/en/e-Feedback

In-Person; Virginia, United States of America

Complaints should be submitted to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) in writing through their Student Complaint Form located on their website.


In-Person or Live, Online; Nationwide

Complaints should be submitted to to the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) in writing through their Complaint Procedures outlined in Doc 49.1.


The Protocol School of Washington reserves the right to substitute training facilitators, modify prices, change dates and/or times of programs or cancel scheduled programs due to insufficient enrollment or unexpected circumstances.

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